Through Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF), the Office of the Vice President for Research provides financial support up to $2,000 to faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to promote, support, and enhance the research, scholarship and creative endeavors of faculty at UConn. The SFF is designed to assist faculty in the initiation, completion, or advancement of research projects, scholarly activities, creative works, or interdisciplinary initiatives that are critical to advancing the faculty member’s scholarship and/or creative works.
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in a tenured/tenure-track position
- Clinical and extension faculty
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professors-in-Residence now eligible (change as of April 2019)
- Storrs and Regional campus faculty only. UConn Health Faculty are not eligible.
Funding Categories
- Conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia or workshops (support for planning and implementation but not attendance; events funded under this category must have a research/scholarship focus; professional development/teaching development workshops are not eligible).
- Small start-up/pilot data projects in support of applications to external sponsors
- Test new procedures/methodologies
- Creative/scholarly projects in support of gallery shows or exhibitions
- Library/archival research leading to book/monograph
- Costs to bring book-length manuscripts to publication (textbooks not eligible)
- Publication costs (including open-access journal costs, copy-editing, etc.)
- Sabbatical projects
- Contractual services (including statistical consulting, graphic artists, website design, etc)
- Other categories: any activity that does not fall under one of the categories above may be considered, provided a sufficient rationale is given.
OVPR Scholarship Facilitation Fund
Through Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF), the Office of the Vice President for Research provides financial support up to $2,000 to faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to promote, support, and enhance the research, scholarship and creative endeavors of faculty at UConn. The SFF is designed to assist faculty in the initiation, completion, or advancement of research projects, scholarly activities, creative works, or interdisciplinary initiatives that are critical to advancing the faculty member’s scholarship and/or creative works.
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in a tenured/tenure-track position
- Clinical and extension faculty
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professors-in-Residence now eligible (change as of April 2019)
- Storrs and Regional campus faculty only. UConn Health Faculty are not eligible.
Funding Categories
- Conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia or workshops (support for planning and implementation but not attendance; events funded under this category must have a research/scholarship focus; professional development/teaching development workshops are not eligible).
- Small start-up/pilot data projects in support of applications to external sponsors
- Test new procedures/methodologies
- Creative/scholarly projects in support of gallery shows or exhibitions
- Library/archival research leading to book/monograph
- Costs to bring book-length manuscripts to publication (textbooks not eligible)
- Publication costs (including open-access journal costs, copy-editing, etc.)
- Sabbatical projects
- Contractual services (including statistical consulting, graphic artists, website design, etc)
- Other categories: any activity that does not fall under one of the categories above may be considered, provided a sufficient rationale is given.